Friday, September 08, 2006

What's it like to be you?

This is one of my favorite webcomics. I especially like this episode because of the absolute ridiculousness of it, and also because the question "what's it like to be you" is really intriguing (although Jeffrey doesn't actually ask him "What's it like to be you?", it directly follows the comic in which he does, and I associate the two in my mind, even if I shouldn't). Also, The Poopmonster's response is both very exciting and frightening to me at the same time. To experience life in a manner that is so incredibly different from the norms of other people is something that boggles my mind (even if this particular one is patently absurd ^_^). In what free time I have between classes, homework, cooking, and exploring, I've been marathon-reading Overcompensating.

Had my last class for the week this morning, and it looks like it's going to be a lovely weekend. It's cooled off a bit since, well, yesterday, and I imagine it won't be getting much w armer now that we're getting into the fall months. What's the weather like back in the States? Tomorrow we're going on a guided walking tour of the Kensington area, a sort of "official" introduction to the place we've been living this past week. I have a suspicion that it will be mostly monuments and historical sites. But that's still really cool.

I'm starting to fall in love with this city. I was walking back to the flat after class today, and I realized just how happy I was to be right here, right now. I'm sure that after a month or two more I may not feel the same, but so far....
It's kind of like when you first get into a relationship with someone, and you get really happy and excited and nervous all at the same time whenever you're with them (yes, I still remember that feeling!), only instead of being a person, it's a place, and since you're always together (seein' as though I'm in the city and all...), not quite as intense. But still.

I read what basically amounted to 6 chapters for class last night, and was up later than I wanted to be doing it. However, I got it done, and most of the info was useful to have in class today (although we didn't direct discuss a lot of it). We also watched a portion of a video called "What The Ancients Did For Us" that detailed some of the scientific and other developments that originated out of the "Muslim World," especially from Abbasid dynasty period.

I have 4 new terms to wiki the history of: Manichaeism, Zoroastrianism (I know, I know, I'm a little behind the times on that one...), assassin (the professor hinted at some things that makes it sound like the real-life history of this term could be VERY interesting indeed), and astrolabe. In addition, I'm adding astrolabe to my "official unofficial list of things I'd like to learn how to build, use, and/or do" which currently includes theremins, steam engines, mixing boards, and dancing, guitar, and Esperanto.
(That's just a sample list of the things I could think of off the top of my head)

I went to the grocery store last night (actually, it was for the second time, because I needed some more ingredients), and I looked for apple sauce but didn't see any! I did see apple slices in syrup, as well as several other types of bottled fruit bits, but I wonder if apple sauce might be one of those foods that we take for granted in the States that is less-than-common in other parts of the world. I hope not. If it is, though, I'll have to find some other sweet food to snack on. It won't do at all to fall into a candy habit while I'm here....

Well, that's about it for now. I'm going to bum around for a bit, and thentry my hand at baking. Wish me luck on my first real cobbler attempt!

Peace, love, understanding and respect, my friends.

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