Thursday, September 07, 2006

Here there are no guns.

No legal guns, at least. In Britain, there are very strong gun control laws, and people can't even posess firearms. Police don't use them either, unless they've had special training and acquired a special permit. In fact, the only organizations to reguarly use guns of any description consist primarily of the armed forces.

Since I've been here, I've never had more French and Indain food. Curry and baguettes are particularly popular, and are even quite cheap...even when you factor in the US/UK exchange rate!

But that still doesn't discount the necessity for grocery shopping. I'm planning a trip to Sainsbury's (which is a little far - almost a 20 minute walk - but clean, high-quality, fairly cheap, and nicely laid-out) tomorrow, so I will hopefully be set for the next week. Or at least until the weekend.

My classes are going well. Today I e-mailed my media professor the Epic 2015 flash video. Ryan recommended it to me more than a year ago, and it still creeps me out a little whenever I watch it. I'm waiting to hear his (the professor's) impressions. It almost makes me want to bepart of the "Fourth Estate," even though I know that path eventually leads to stagnation and death (lets face it, the advent of the internet has irrevocably changed the press. It will not recover, and will likely lose it's footing in the public mind progressively until print news is a prestige symbol and hobby of the elite and "cultured" (also colleges, IMO)). But I digress.

We had another absolutely beautiful day today, with plenty of sun and moderate temperatures in the 20s (Celcius). Tomorrow will be cooler, I've heard. If I can find someone who's not busy, I think I'll do some exploring (I don't want to go out by myself, especially if I'm going to be traveling far). Otherwise I'll probably just explore the neighborhood and chill in Hyde Park.

That's all for now.
Peace, love, understanding and respect, my friends.

edit: So, I didn't realize this until my mom e-mailed me and pointed it out to me, but this post was nominated for "blog of the day." Crazy, huh?

I'm a Blog of the Day!

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