Thursday, September 28, 2006


Blarg. In a deliciously ironic twist, I think that my least favorite part of getting sick is getting better again. Your nose is just stuffed enough to make breathing hard...but not stuffed enough for drugs to work on it. You cough, but coughing doesn't accomplish anything. You mostly feel okay, but all the fidgety health things make it harder to do the stuff you normally do. I am poositive that given a short amount of time (with luck, by tomorrow), I'll have this jusk kicked, 'cause I ain't enjoying it any more today than I was on Monday.

So, that's the plan. Tomorrow I'll feel better so that I can do stuff again. And it'll be wonderful. ( :

I've found myself a bit of a project to work on when I have some free time to kill, or perhaps it's a series of small projects that add up to equal one normal-sized project. It's nothing terribly complex, but it'll take some time to get it into a form that I like.

So...I was supposed to give a presentation today in Media, but the professor got so enthused talking about British cinema (film studies arose from a strong literary tradition, whereas other forms of media studies are definitely rooted in sociology. Mr. Mottershead is very much an English person rather than a Sociology person), that he lost track of time and my presentation (and one other) got pushed back to next Tuesday. On the one hand, I'm quite appreciative, but on the other, how nice would it be to finally just have this thing off my back, yah? I'm not a big fan lag time between completion and presentation. I guess I'm kinda like my mom in that regard.

There were two things I wish I'd gotten today but didn't; ice cream, and a hug. I guess I'll just have to try again tomorrow. Also, viennetta doesn't count. It's not ice cream, it's dessert. It may seem silly, but to me that's a very important distinction! ( :

That's all for tonight.

P.L.U.&R., mates

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