Friday, September 15, 2006

Bells, Bells, Bells, Bells, Bells, Bells, Bells....

Today was an interesting day. Had my meeting with Hadi in the morning, and got the topic for my Islam paper approved...more or less. The thing is, the class is supposed to be about real-world application (especially in comparing the "Islamic World" to the "West"), but I was absolutely enthralled with Sufism ever since I read those two magic words: "mystic brotherhoods." My fascination with the supernatural taints yet another term paper (at least I didn't try to work D&D into this one. That would have made what...three?...if I had).

Most of the afternoon was spent in a muted reverie. No one seemed to be particularly active today, though, so I didn't feel bad about it. I think both of my roommates were even napping. At 6 FIE held a "barbeque" for us, which meant one thing: even if it wasn't very tasty, free drinks and free food! Completely ignoring the mad cow disease scare, I had 2 burgers, and drank a Pepsi and half a snakebite. Lauren drank the rest. Hung out there until maybe 9 o'clock, then moseyed back to the flat with the group. Most of 'em have since gone out again, but I wasn't invited to go to the club (it was a "ladies only" sort of event), and I didn't want to go out on the "Ale Trail" and start drinking or spending money, so I've just kind of settled back in. It's nice, though. There are only a few other people in the flat right now, and most of 'em are either already sleeping or too drunk to be much of a bother. It almost feels like I've got the flat to myself, even though I don't. It would be sweet if I did, though. If I did, I'd probably walk around naked for a while, just because I can. It's not like anyone would see me or anything. After all, the Dutch embassy offices next door should be empty at this time of night.

I don't know why, but the idea of a Dutch embassy makes me smile. ( :

Thats all for now. The closer it gets to midnight, the more I feel like being a bum. ...And from there, it's only 3 easy steps to becoming a full-fledged hobo! *laugh*

Peace, love, understanding and respect, my friends.

PS. I've been rolling some ideas around in my head, and I've considered posting a few short "project pieces" soon. They're not much, just some possible story ideas I've been mulling over.

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