Monday, September 18, 2006

Fare thee well my bonny lass

Went to the Thames Festival last night with Lauren, Whitney, Jordan, Mikey, Colin, Chelsea, and...I think I'm remembering everyone. Sorry if I left someone out! Oh, and I was there, too. ( :

It was fun, but not too different from most festivals. Some musical acts, TONS of people, lots of overpriced food and novelty consumer goods (running the gamut from handmade jewelry to clothes (also mostly handmade) and African drums), and - most importantly - fireworks! It was really nice to see fireworks. I haven't seen a good display in quite a while, and while this wasn't a spectacular show, it was a lot better than what they did at camp (basically Michael Bridges went out and bought several hudred dollars worth of the Wal-Mart fireworks and set them off outside my Nature hut. I had to spend the entire next morning picking up bits of melted plastic and burnt casing so that none of the campers would get hurt or anything). Also, there were a lot of people out and about selling light-up stuff! Oh man, it was soooo hard to resist buying one of them, but somehow I managed. I think Chelsea helped a lot. She got one of the sparkly light-up wands and let me play with it. ( :
As we were leaving the festival, I did buy a peacock feather, though.

Last night was also the unofficial beginning of the celebrations for Lauren's birthday. Her birthday is actually today, but why not start a day early, especially when there might be fireworks involved. ^_^ Also, happy birthday Lauren!

The night before we played some ridiculous "globetrotter" version of Trivial Pursuit. My team came really close to winning, but like many a game of Munchkin, the underdog made an amazing comeback right at the end of the game and beat us by one. Seriously, though, that game was terrible. A lot of the questions were badly worded, but mostly they were just hard! In just that one game, we had questions covering everything from the lyrics to popular Australian songs, the name of an Argentenian(?) race car driver...after he changed his name, the location of several second-string geographical features, and even obscure languages. Seriously, who knows that an Aboriginal word for a certain type of throwing stick is "woomera"? Yes we are smart (I hope!), but we are NOT omniscient.

Tomorrow I'll be going to get my next installment of food-money, which is good, 'cause I'm almost at the very end of my first. I'm actually proud of myself for the way I've spent (or not spent) my money. I'm doing my best to manage my money, and so far I'm doing a decent job. Of course, I'm also starting to look at traveling, so there's no telling how long my streak will last. *laugh*
I'd love to go to Wales, and I've considered doing that over fall break, but I really wonder if there's enough there for a whole week's worth of activities. I mean, I know some stuff I'm interested, and I have a vague notion of some places I'd like to visit, but I don't think there's a whole lot else there, since I'm not a kayaker or rock climber or anything (which is a pity, since the ocean and mountains will be right there).
I need to drop some eaves on other people to find out what they're doing and maybe use that to inform my fall break decisions. ( :

Well, that's all for now. Class in 20 minutes.

P.L.U.&R, my friends

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