Monday, September 04, 2006

"-or" must now be "-our"

Colour, flavour, valour, savoury....

...or perhaps I'm just a dourk. ( :

Anyway, I'm here now, and doing fine. I think that I've just about worked off the jet lag, and things are going fine. The weather today is absolutely gorgeous, probably around 75 Farenhiet, with plenty of sun. It's early afternoon for me, so I'm thinking abouut snagging something for lunch and then possibly heading to the park. Or perhaps Camden. From what I've heard of it, Camden is going to be VERY exciting, and I'm really looking forward to getting there soon, but perhaps today isn't the best day. I've got another class at 5 pm, and so that limits me somewhat in how far I can go today.

Classes are interesting, or at least a certainly hope they will be! All classes are three hours long, and meet twice a week (except for one that meets only once a week, but runs all semester long), so the academia is pretty intense in that regard. I saty through British Life and Culture (BLC) this morning, and it was actually pretty fascinating. I've definitely never been that interested on a "going-over-the-syllabus" day in any other class I've ever taken. I have homework in that class, though, the "99 pence challenge." By the next time we meet, I'm to have gone out and bought something for less than a pound that I think represents the United Kingdom (extra points for creativity).

On the topic of money...there's no sales tax in the UK! That certainly helps out my meager finances a great deal, let me tell you. If I'd had to pay an additional percentage on everything I bought (much fo which is more expensive than in the States already on account of an unfavorable exchange rate), I'd be far closer to broke than I already am. It's kind of neat and kind fo confusing to compare the dollar and the pound, though. On the one hand, because of the exchange rate, everything I buy here costs - in pounds - between 185-200% of what it would cost in USD. However, if you were to treat the pound the same way you would treat the dollar, prices are typically better. I saw a cheap bottle of shampoo at the grocery store that sold for only 69p. The cheapest bottle of shampoo I ever remember seeing in the States was still 99c. A 500mL individual bottle of water (which, depending on the brand, I've seen anywhere from 69c to $1.70+ in the States) only cost me 49p. Breakfast cereal (I got store-brand Frosted Flakes) was only 94p.

I can feel my tummy starting to get rumbly, and I want to get outside in this lovely weather anyway, so it's time for me to cut out.

Peace, love, understanding and respect, my friends!

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