Thursday, September 28, 2006


*whew* I am sore from coughing last night. Fortunately, I'm not near as bad as I was yesterday, and I've got a mild curry to eat and some Earl Grey to drink. Mmmm.....

I must have dreamed about her last night or something, 'cause I woke up thinking about Grandma Gladys. Could someone who knows how she's doing get in touch with me, or get in touch with someone who can get in touch with me? I'm going to be out and about today for most of the afternoon (morning and early afternoon for y'all), but I'll have my phone on and will answer it (as long as I'm not on the tube. Understandably, I get not service underground. ^_^). I have a meeting at 6:30 (1:30 EST), though, so I'll have my phone off for that. E-mail works, too, but I likely won't be checking it 'til after my meeting.

P.L.U.&R., mates.


Blarg. In a deliciously ironic twist, I think that my least favorite part of getting sick is getting better again. Your nose is just stuffed enough to make breathing hard...but not stuffed enough for drugs to work on it. You cough, but coughing doesn't accomplish anything. You mostly feel okay, but all the fidgety health things make it harder to do the stuff you normally do. I am poositive that given a short amount of time (with luck, by tomorrow), I'll have this jusk kicked, 'cause I ain't enjoying it any more today than I was on Monday.

So, that's the plan. Tomorrow I'll feel better so that I can do stuff again. And it'll be wonderful. ( :

I've found myself a bit of a project to work on when I have some free time to kill, or perhaps it's a series of small projects that add up to equal one normal-sized project. It's nothing terribly complex, but it'll take some time to get it into a form that I like.

So...I was supposed to give a presentation today in Media, but the professor got so enthused talking about British cinema (film studies arose from a strong literary tradition, whereas other forms of media studies are definitely rooted in sociology. Mr. Mottershead is very much an English person rather than a Sociology person), that he lost track of time and my presentation (and one other) got pushed back to next Tuesday. On the one hand, I'm quite appreciative, but on the other, how nice would it be to finally just have this thing off my back, yah? I'm not a big fan lag time between completion and presentation. I guess I'm kinda like my mom in that regard.

There were two things I wish I'd gotten today but didn't; ice cream, and a hug. I guess I'll just have to try again tomorrow. Also, viennetta doesn't count. It's not ice cream, it's dessert. It may seem silly, but to me that's a very important distinction! ( :

That's all for tonight.

P.L.U.&R., mates

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

I SHOULD be ashamed of it because of the pun

Royal Thai Army
seize Bangkok, declare martial
law; this, a Thai coup

Last week the Royal Thai army took over the capitol, abrogated the constitution, and declared martial law. The Prime Minister was away at the time, giving a speech at a UN function if I remember correctly. Based on what I've been able to find out from the few articles I've seen, the people of Bangkok seem generally to support the coup d'etat, although there's some criticism of their methodologies.

Today we talked about Rupert Murdoch in Media. Although I was fighting just to be able to breathe properly, I do believe it had to be one of the most active classes we've had this year. Partly I think people are getting more comfortable, and also as we move forward into more modern times and current-day media formats, we're more familiar with the material and can comment on it more effectively. On the other hand, it was a class about Rupert Murdoch. Just the name itself is controversial.

I don't know if it was the small dose of caffeine in the decongestant I've been taking, or something more nefarious, but I could not sleep last night. I ended up getting up pretty early in the morning and taking my blanket into the common room and just sitting there, wrapped up, watching TV. I had class at 1, and when I got back about 5 I made some soup and then took a nap. I got up again a little more than an hour ago. I'm going to sleep some more soon. I've got to kick this sinus stuff. Hmm....I think I'll make a crumpet and some tea.

P.L.U.&R., mates.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Dream Of The Shore Near Another World

I shared my Viennetta with some of the 4A girls last night, and with Aishia, and it was a lovely dessert experience. Apparently I'm not the only person with childhood memories of this most unique ice cream, and it was interesting the way that this simple food brought up all sorts of memories and stories. More evidence toward my theory that eating is one of the ultimate social experiences.
Of course, that's also the way I grw up, isn't it? Unless it was a meal in front of the TV or something, mealtimes were when we did the most talking, the most interacting with each other. Meals were also the central aspect of larger family gatherings, too. Holidays, reunions, weddings, funerals - almost all of them have a big planned meal or potluck involved. Plus, cooking can be very rewarding. I, for one, really like being able to create something and then share it with the people I care about. Despite their simplicity, that's one of the disadvantages to TV dinners; you can't really share them (and they're often not worth sharing in the first place). On the other hand, as rewarding as cooking can be, I still despise having to clean up. And because of the condition in which our kitchen usually is, if I do clean stuff up, I usually end up cleaning more than my fair share. That's almost enough to put a person off from cooking altogether. But what's the alternative, eating every meal out? Sheesh, that gets expensive (and a little repetative, since there are only so many restaurants in the area that are cheap enough for me to eat at). Maybe I'd be willing to reconsider that position if there was an Elizabeth's and a Monterey across the street. But that's about all that would make me reconsider.
I don't think I'm the only one who lives by the whole food-social connection. At Hammersmith they're kind enough to serve refreshments (coffee, tea, and biscuits) after meeting, and I had a very nice conversation with a man named Simon over tea today. He told me a little about the history of the meeting (apparently their original meetinghouse was down by the river, but got bombed out during WWII, and the government turned the land into a park. In return, they built them a new meetinghouse on a small plot of land, and that one's been operational since about '55), a little about current events (apparently the company that owns Tesco is petitioning the Hammersmith town council to buy that entire block so they can open a new supermarket, and many of the residents and the meeting members understandably don't like that!), and some things in general.

There was an anti-war protest outside the Labour Convention in Manchester yesterday. I had planned to go to it for a while, but decided not to at the last minute, and I'm kind of glad that I didn't. Apparently things got a little...tense. Mr. Tony Blair was speaking at the conference (understandable, since he's still the Labour leader right now), but his very own sister-in-law was amongst the protesters. She did a short interview on TV, and she had some very forward things to saw about Mr. Blair. Yikes....

This afternoon will probably be mostly for studying for my Islam midterm and watching TV (I know, I know, it sounds ridiculous but TV-watching is part of my homework for my Media class, and I've been neglecting it pretty badly). Later me and Chelsea are gonna go out and find some ice cream. That'll be a nice break.

P.L.U.&R., mates!

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Guess what, mom!

So, I just got back from the grocery store (that was an experience, 'cause they were testing the fire alarms while I was shopping), and as I was about to check out, I decided to look at the freezer isle just to see how much ice cream was (I wasn't planning to get any today, but I thought it would be good to know for future reference). And do you know what I saw there?


Score! ^_^

Good morning, good morning....

Oh man, I feel so chipper this morning! I've been a bit out of sorts the past two days or so, but now that I can breathe freely and the tickle in my throat is almost gone it's an absolute pleasure to be alive. So if I've been acting a little odd or reclusive lately, that's probably why.

Plus, today the sun is shining.

Grocery shopping this afternoon. Hopefully I'll be able to find someone to go with me (as silly as it sounds, I don't like making trips by myself, not even such a short trip to the grocery store!). Today's mission: corned beef hash.

P.L.U.&R., my friends!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Stop Bogarting the silverware....

Oh man, I just came back from Stomp! It was as intensely wonderful to see in real life as it has been to imagine in my mind for the past 6 years. ( :
The day prior to that was pretty slow; Thursdays are my no-class days. I did find out that there's not a patch I can download off the internet to make my particular brand of DVD player play region 2 DVDs...but I also found out that it has a built in region-change option. The only downside is that it can only be activated 5 times, and after that it sets permanently to whatever region it was last on. That means if I'm in the States (region 1), and I accidentally set it to region 2 (Europe and the UK), then I'm stuck.

There was something that happened yesterday that I made a mental note to talk about, but I can't remember what it is now. D'oh!

Oh! I remember now! I went on a field trip to the BBC! It's the biggest news agency in the world, bigger than CNN (the second-biggest news agency) by a third. That's impressive-big, y'all. It was very, very exciting (at least as exciting as a guided tour can be), and put in some strong arguments for going into television, especially post-production. Some people in our group got to check out a dummy studio (I was going to, but we ran out of time!), but even being so close to one made me really want to get involved in post-production. Video editing, sound mixing, it's all good. ^_^

That's all for tonight. I've got an early-morning class tomorrow, and I'm gonna hit the hay, soon.

Peace, love, understanding and respect, my friends.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

More Video Fun

Been cruisin' the "intarwubs" again, and I found this video, Write A Full Page Of Non-Stop Lies. It is twisted, incredibly psychological, and a bit depressing - like all of "sikobabel's" work tends to be - but masterfully crafted and very thought-provoking.

Other "sikobabel" projects include Staring Contest (language), and Prototype.

Here's another interesting find: This is a visual guide to the United States federal government's discretionary budget for 2007. It can, apparently, also be purchased as a 24"x36" poster.

Peace, love, understanding and respect, my friends (I think we all need it just a little bit more now....)

Everyday is a winding road

Got back in and crashed into bed at 3; good thing I didn't have a class 'til 1 in the afternoon. Trash at The End was amazing. It was loud, too, but apparently I'm already half-deaf 'cause it didn't bother me at all. Maybe I'll try to go back next week? We'll see.

How I've been contacted by some of the people that I didn't really care to hear from, and I haven't had a chance to talk to anyone that I really would have liked to (talked to my dad a couple nights ago, but that's been the most recent, since IMing doesn't technically count). I wish, wish, wish it had been the other way around. Time heals all wounds they say, but that doesn't mean that even after the fact, there ehn't still some deep scars.

On a more positive note, I did manage to get my laundry done today. Tomorrow morning I'm touring the BBC. I think I'm excited, but right now I don't really feel like much. I'm tired, but not sleepy. I kinda feel like I could just sit in the corner and stare at the wall for a few hours and that would be a-okay. Maybe I'll try to hit the sack early tonight.

Peace, love, understanding and respect, my friends.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Might as well....

Well, I said I would consider putting up some short pieces, so...yeah. This was from a little while ago when I was enthralled with surrealism and lyric prose (I still like lyric prose. The illusion of poetry appeals to me as much as the illusion of dancing). I can't remember what my intentions were, but I think this was supposed to be spoken out loud. The verses had a melody, but I can't remember it.
It's not great, but this was one of the only things I'd written that year that wasn't a research paper. Also, I was working through some confusing events.
Whether it translates well in text or not, there is supposed to be a heavy emphasis on imagery. I borrowed heavily from my (very limited) familiarity of Arabic tales for some of the imagery. Also (nerd alert!) from Trigun and certain fantasy landscape artists (most notably John Avon).

Sorry. That's enough stalling now, I guess.....

"Wherever It Might Lead Me"

I was walking. The sky was night-dark, though the sun shone like a ghost in the sky. A noisy breeze, like the muttering of many voices, flitted among the stones. I was on a stairway, a stairway I had found the previous night, and had been walking upon since dawn. I did not know where the steps beneath my feet would lead. This could be a stairway to paradise, or to damnation, but I would walk this path to Heaven, or Hell, or wherever it might lead me.
Ahead of me I saw a traveler, another person upon the stair. I called out, and she turned to face me. She had the grace of an antelope and was as fair as the moon. Her skin was the color of the desert sands, her hair a raven's feather. A white cloak fell across her shoulders, and her right hand held a staff like that of a wise vizier. Her eyes were green as the River's banks, deep and flourishing.
I came close to her and she looked into my eyes. After many moments, she sang to me.

Tuas Manus, Domine.
In your hands, Lord.
Was the light of your face Too much for man,
That he should cover his eyes And turn away?
How sad he should turn Away from your face
And toward the face of darkness!
For an evil spirit is merely an angel
That has fallen from grace.

En tu corazón, Amor.
In your heart, my Love.
The kindled flame was Too much for man,
And he should be afraid that He will burn away.
How sad that he should be consumed By a wildfire
When what he wishes for is the light Of one thousand candles.
For a woman is merely an angel
That causes the heart ot blaze.

Galad elenath, Ea.
Under the stars, Creator,
The cold light is lovely but Not enough for man,
Who shivers throughout the night and Longs for day.
How sad! The night is filled with cries and tears.
When shall it end?
For the dawn is like an angel
Crowned with the sun's bright rays.

A great silence came to be over the land, and it flowed between us for many minutes. Words came to my lips, and I replied.

I know the Tongues, the words you sing to me.
Your questions have been drawn From my very soul.
They are a siren's song, A woman's perfume,
And have held many in their embrace
Until they have lost their peace.

Yes the night is long, And there is much to despair.
But I say to you, Look to the East!
The dawn is coming,
The dawn is here,
The dawn is already risen!

There is no candle, Nor is there a wildfire,
But what is already in your soul.
They are one and the same,
And know that while a Heart might blaze
It can not be consumed.

Cry out, O questioner, and Receive the answer!
You cannot turn away from your God
And the Divine will always Stand before you.
You are still in His hands!

You are not alone, Not set upon by evil spirits
From every side and from above.
There are no spirits, But those you have called to yourself.
You can escape from them
If you do as I, And I have become
My own angel.

The silence persisited after my song, and my questioner smiled softly. In that moment, a great wind arose with a shout like a distant God. She lifted her hands to the sky and her cloak, white as alabaster, surrounded her and became a shining corona. A great light exploded like a clap of thunder before the eyes, and she was no longer there. I was once again alone on the stairs.
I continued to walk. This could be a path to paradise, or to damnation, but I would follow this path to Heaven, or Hell, or wherever it might lead me.

Fare thee well my bonny lass

Went to the Thames Festival last night with Lauren, Whitney, Jordan, Mikey, Colin, Chelsea, and...I think I'm remembering everyone. Sorry if I left someone out! Oh, and I was there, too. ( :

It was fun, but not too different from most festivals. Some musical acts, TONS of people, lots of overpriced food and novelty consumer goods (running the gamut from handmade jewelry to clothes (also mostly handmade) and African drums), and - most importantly - fireworks! It was really nice to see fireworks. I haven't seen a good display in quite a while, and while this wasn't a spectacular show, it was a lot better than what they did at camp (basically Michael Bridges went out and bought several hudred dollars worth of the Wal-Mart fireworks and set them off outside my Nature hut. I had to spend the entire next morning picking up bits of melted plastic and burnt casing so that none of the campers would get hurt or anything). Also, there were a lot of people out and about selling light-up stuff! Oh man, it was soooo hard to resist buying one of them, but somehow I managed. I think Chelsea helped a lot. She got one of the sparkly light-up wands and let me play with it. ( :
As we were leaving the festival, I did buy a peacock feather, though.

Last night was also the unofficial beginning of the celebrations for Lauren's birthday. Her birthday is actually today, but why not start a day early, especially when there might be fireworks involved. ^_^ Also, happy birthday Lauren!

The night before we played some ridiculous "globetrotter" version of Trivial Pursuit. My team came really close to winning, but like many a game of Munchkin, the underdog made an amazing comeback right at the end of the game and beat us by one. Seriously, though, that game was terrible. A lot of the questions were badly worded, but mostly they were just hard! In just that one game, we had questions covering everything from the lyrics to popular Australian songs, the name of an Argentenian(?) race car driver...after he changed his name, the location of several second-string geographical features, and even obscure languages. Seriously, who knows that an Aboriginal word for a certain type of throwing stick is "woomera"? Yes we are smart (I hope!), but we are NOT omniscient.

Tomorrow I'll be going to get my next installment of food-money, which is good, 'cause I'm almost at the very end of my first. I'm actually proud of myself for the way I've spent (or not spent) my money. I'm doing my best to manage my money, and so far I'm doing a decent job. Of course, I'm also starting to look at traveling, so there's no telling how long my streak will last. *laugh*
I'd love to go to Wales, and I've considered doing that over fall break, but I really wonder if there's enough there for a whole week's worth of activities. I mean, I know some stuff I'm interested, and I have a vague notion of some places I'd like to visit, but I don't think there's a whole lot else there, since I'm not a kayaker or rock climber or anything (which is a pity, since the ocean and mountains will be right there).
I need to drop some eaves on other people to find out what they're doing and maybe use that to inform my fall break decisions. ( :

Well, that's all for now. Class in 20 minutes.

P.L.U.&R, my friends

Saturday, September 16, 2006


This video is incredible. Not only is it a pretty impressive feat of video and audio editing (all the video and sound clips come from actual footage of George W. Bush's speeches) , but the juxtaposition of the song's original protest against Ireland's Bloody Sunday and the remake's implied references to more current events is quite powerful. And there's something that's just sort of uncanny about those words being spoken by Mr. Bush that makes it even more....I don't know. I don't think it's good, though.

Anyway, the video is worth a watch, if you've got the time and interest. U2's "Sunday Bloody Sunday" as performed by President George W. Bush (edited by Rx and/or The Party Party). You can see it here. For those who are interested, the lyrics are also on that page.

Went back to Camden Town again today, this time with a (mostly) different group. Oh man....I still love it there. I'm going to meeting tomorrow. From what I gathered, Hammersmith Friends Meeting is pretty small, so I'm hoping that I'll be able to make some good acquaintences very easily there. That would be lovely if I could.

That's all for tonight.

Peace, love, understanding and respect, my friends.

Edit: I've had a little trouble with the video link (it's a poorly-implemented Quicktime video, and it's been skipping and freezing on me), so you can also find it on Google Videos here.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Bells, Bells, Bells, Bells, Bells, Bells, Bells....

Today was an interesting day. Had my meeting with Hadi in the morning, and got the topic for my Islam paper approved...more or less. The thing is, the class is supposed to be about real-world application (especially in comparing the "Islamic World" to the "West"), but I was absolutely enthralled with Sufism ever since I read those two magic words: "mystic brotherhoods." My fascination with the supernatural taints yet another term paper (at least I didn't try to work D&D into this one. That would have made what...three?...if I had).

Most of the afternoon was spent in a muted reverie. No one seemed to be particularly active today, though, so I didn't feel bad about it. I think both of my roommates were even napping. At 6 FIE held a "barbeque" for us, which meant one thing: even if it wasn't very tasty, free drinks and free food! Completely ignoring the mad cow disease scare, I had 2 burgers, and drank a Pepsi and half a snakebite. Lauren drank the rest. Hung out there until maybe 9 o'clock, then moseyed back to the flat with the group. Most of 'em have since gone out again, but I wasn't invited to go to the club (it was a "ladies only" sort of event), and I didn't want to go out on the "Ale Trail" and start drinking or spending money, so I've just kind of settled back in. It's nice, though. There are only a few other people in the flat right now, and most of 'em are either already sleeping or too drunk to be much of a bother. It almost feels like I've got the flat to myself, even though I don't. It would be sweet if I did, though. If I did, I'd probably walk around naked for a while, just because I can. It's not like anyone would see me or anything. After all, the Dutch embassy offices next door should be empty at this time of night.

I don't know why, but the idea of a Dutch embassy makes me smile. ( :

Thats all for now. The closer it gets to midnight, the more I feel like being a bum. ...And from there, it's only 3 easy steps to becoming a full-fledged hobo! *laugh*

Peace, love, understanding and respect, my friends.

PS. I've been rolling some ideas around in my head, and I've considered posting a few short "project pieces" soon. They're not much, just some possible story ideas I've been mulling over.

Interlude: A Bit of Culture

You'd think that being in the middle of London, surrounded by all the weight of the history of the English-speaking world, my feeble brain would be awash with passages from the English masters of literature and poetry. Instead, I've got a poem from a besotted American ne'er-do-well stuck in my head. Therefore, I present to you, "The Bells" by Edgar Allan Poe (1849).


Hear the sledges with the bells-
Silver bells!
What a world of merriment their melody foretells!
How they tinkle, tinkle, tinkle,
In the icy air of night!
While the stars that oversprinkle
All the heavens, seem to twinkle
With a crystalline delight;
Keeping time, time, time,
In a sort of Runic rhyme,
To the tintinnabulation that so musically wells
From the bells, bells, bells, bells,
Bells, bells, bells-
From the jingling and the tinkling of the bells.


Hear the mellow wedding bells,
Golden bells!
What a world of happiness their harmony foretells!
Through the balmy air of night
How they ring out their delight!
From the molten-golden notes,
And an in tune,
What a liquid ditty floats
To the turtle-dove that listens, while she gloats
On the moon!
Oh, from out the sounding cells,
What a gush of euphony voluminously wells!
How it swells!
How it dwells
On the Future! how it tells
Of the rapture that impels
To the swinging and the ringing
Of the bells, bells, bells,
Of the bells, bells, bells,bells,
Bells, bells, bells-
To the rhyming and the chiming of the bells!


Hear the loud alarum bells-
Brazen bells!
What a tale of terror, now, their turbulency tells!
In the startled ear of night
How they scream out their affright!
Too much horrified to speak,
They can only shriek, shriek,
Out of tune,
In a clamorous appealing to the mercy of the fire,
In a mad expostulation with the deaf and frantic fire,
Leaping higher, higher, higher,
With a desperate desire,
And a resolute endeavor,
Now- now to sit or never,
By the side of the pale-faced moon.
Oh, the bells, bells, bells!
What a tale their terror tells
Of Despair!
How they clang, and clash, and roar!
What a horror they outpour
On the bosom of the palpitating air!
Yet the ear it fully knows,
By the twanging,
And the clanging,
How the danger ebbs and flows:
Yet the ear distinctly tells,
In the jangling,
And the wrangling,
How the danger sinks and swells,
By the sinking or the swelling in the anger of the bells-
Of the bells-
Of the bells, bells, bells,bells,
Bells, bells, bells-
In the clamor and the clangor of the bells!


Hear the tolling of the bells-
Iron Bells!
What a world of solemn thought their monody compels!
In the silence of the night,
How we shiver with affright
At the melancholy menace of their tone!
For every sound that floats
From the rust within their throats
Is a groan.
And the people- ah, the people-
They that dwell up in the steeple,
All Alone
And who, tolling, tolling, tolling,
In that muffled monotone,
Feel a glory in so rolling
On the human heart a stone-
They are neither man nor woman-
They are neither brute nor human-
They are Ghouls:
And their king it is who tolls;
And he rolls, rolls, rolls,
A paean from the bells!
And his merry bosom swells
With the paean of the bells!
And he dances, and he yells;
Keeping time, time, time,
In a sort of Runic rhyme,
To the paean of the bells-
Of the bells:
Keeping time, time, time,
In a sort of Runic rhyme,
To the throbbing of the bells-
Of the bells, bells, bells-
To the sobbing of the bells;
Keeping time, time, time,
As he knells, knells, knells,
In a happy Runic rhyme,
To the rolling of the bells-
Of the bells, bells, bells:
To the tolling of the bells,
Of the bells, bells, bells, bells-
Bells, bells, bells-
To the moaning and the groaning of the bells.

Thursday, September 14, 2006


Isn't that just a lovely word? "Kismet" has such a wonderful ring to it, I think. Otherwise, it has no thematic bearing on the content of this post (or, at least, no intentional bearing...)

Today was my no-class day for the week, and I made the best use of it I could. Basically what that amounted to was taking the tube all over the city trying to find stuff (most of which I did successfully!). That was my afternoon. My morning was actually spent trying to find directions. Unfortunately, the guide map I have is NOT of great quality, so I was trying to match up landmarks on it with the more detailed map I'd pulled up on the internet, and it took me the better part of an hour just to find the right section of the city to fond Hammersmith in. Frankly, I was very surprised. It seems like I hear "Hammersmith" this and "Hammersmith" that all the time, so I expected it would be prominently displayed on the map, but I ended up completely ignoring the guide map and just going with my on-line resources after I got frustrated enough.

First stop: Hammersmith Friends Meeting. It was surprisingly easy to get here, and the tube line I was on seemed almost deserted. Actually, I sort of got the impression that all of the Hammersmith/Ravencourt Park area was like that. Although geographically close, the area I found myself in was a far cry from the bustle and glitz around where I'm staying. Granted, Kensington doesn't even appproach the glamour of some of the places we've visited like the Piccadilly Circus and Leicester (pronounced "Lester") Square, but it's still decently classy, especially since we're so close to the palace and everything. The Ravencourt Park area, by comparison, seemed older and tired, less agitated and more comfortable with itself, almost like an aging woman who doesn't bother wearing make-up any more. And maybe because of that, I got the feeling that this part of the city was more real than Kensington, more real than most of the places I've seen.

The meetinghouse was about a 5-10 minute walk from the station, and it was closed since there was no worship today. However, interestingly enough, as I approached the meetinghouse, I met an older woman who was also going to the same place, a member of the "congregation" there (Quaker meetings don't have congregations, per se, but I can't remember what a worship group is called. It might just be a meeting) and asked her some questions. I wish I could remember her name, but it was very hard to hear over the traffic in the background (even in the quiet parts of London, you're never too far from a major thoruoghfare (sp?)). Anyway, she was very nice and we chatted for a few minutes, but I didn't get to find out about the history of the meeting like I'd hoped to (and maybe I'm spoiled like that. After all, New Garden Friends Meeting was right across the street from Guilford, and there was almost always someone working there. Of course it was a semi-programmed meeting, and on the large-ish side (more than 100 members, if I remember correctly), so I guess there'd have to be a secretary or clerk or someone I could ask questions of).

On my way back to the tube station I found a Games Workshop store (it was an accident! I swear!) and I had to pop in for a minute and look around. Warhammer stuff is at least as expensive in England as it is in the States, so I didn't spend much time there after all. They now make a Lord of the Rings tabletop wargame and a Warhammer RPG, too. I thought that was neat. Aside from the two guys working there, I was the only person, and we joked around a little bit, talked about how hard it is not to swordfight with rulers, and played balloon volleyball for a few minutes. My right shoe came untied.

After that I decided to make my way back to the station and catch the tube back to Camden Town. Before I got to the station, I felt really compelled to stop at some bus stop and look at the schedule, and one of the bus routes went from Hammersmith straight to Camden! I waited for about 3 minutes, but then I decided that I wanted to keep moving, so I went to the tube anyway.

30-ish minutes later, I'm back in Camden Town. Since I was by myself (all my friends were at class, so I took this journey on my own) I took a little time to look at some of the stuff that I didn't have a good chance to check out last time I was there. I even looked at a couple of record shops. It was very exciting! I also went back to that place I saw over the weekend that was having the big sale, and got a nice pair of street shoes.
I was really annoyed a few days ago when I realized that my the eye loops on my trainers (in the UK, any kind of running shoes, street shoes, cross-trainers, tennis shoes, or sneakers are called "trainers") were coming out (stupid bad stitching), and trainers are basically worthless without their laces!
Based on what I could puzzle out from the tags and signs, the shoes I got originally retailed at close to 40 pounds, but were on sale for 19.95. Then, through some additional discount I wasn't able to figure out, when the cashier rang them up, they were only 18.40-something. I checked my bank balance a while ago, and it translated into $34.63 or something like that after the exchange rate. Not bad at all for foreign shoes, methinks! Also, I bought some CDs. ( :

I had a 5:00 meeting, so it wasn't too long before I had to get back to Kensington, so back onto the tube go I. Unfortunately, things are running a little slow, and I get back to Glouster (pronounced "GLOSS-ster") Square with only 15 minutes left to get back to the flat, drop off my stuff, and get to my meeting. My left shoe came untied. I did make it to the meeting on time, though.

After that I came back to the flat, made some tortellini for supper, and started cooking my second (and probably last) cobbler. Now I'm trying to talk someone into coming to the grocery store with me to get ice cream. Cobbler is delicious, but cobler + ice cream = amazingness.
It ehn't gonna happen tonight, though. About half the group is at the pub, and those who are still here are mostly planning to stay here for the night. Pity, that. I'll just have to get some tomorrow and re-heat the cobbler.

Peace, love, understanding and respect, my friends!

Monday, September 11, 2006

A bowl of chicken. A BIG bowl of chicken.

High-tech, low-budget. I think it's great how it's often cheaper to purchase bare-bones capability devices and combine 'em instead of dropping a bundle on something that's capable doing it all. My laptop is a lot like that. I can do almost anything that a high-end laptop can do, except that my machine has a bunch of bits and pieces to it, rather than being incorporated into a seamless whole. I'm not going to say that I can do everything better (because I'm sure that's not true), but I will say that there's a certain amount of appeal to having a "modular" unit to work off of. Being able to "pick and choose" also gives a nice feeling of individuality (although, to be fair, it's a totally false sense).

I think I just like building things and taking them apart and learning what they can and can't do in different forms.

Like Transformers! Hoo-ray!

Class as usual today. I have a class in the middle of the day tomorrow, but on Wednesday I hope I'll have an open block of free time in which I can try to find the Quaker meeting that's supposed to be around here somewhere. I'm a little surprised-but-not-surprised that there's only one in this area, and I hope it's not hard to find, 'cause I don't know the bus and tube routes very well, and I don't want to get lost!

I also hope I'll be able to go back to Camden. I hate it, hate it, hate it, but my primary pair of shoes is starting to get torn up. The fabric rings that make up the eyes for the shoelaces are starting to pull out...and a shoe isn't much good without it's laces! In Camden I saw a shoe store...Aldo or something like that....that was having a pretty nice sale, so if they're still doing that, I can get some reasonable stylish shoes for a pretty good price. Twenty pounds is a little expensive for street shoes of you convert it back into dollars, but it's a pretty darn good proce for here. I still think I might

Peace, love, understanding and respect, my friends.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

I still get carded, part II: nothing to do with nightclubs

So, I got back from Camden a little while ago!

Oh man, it was the most amazing place I've been to yet. Imagine 50000 hippies, goths, punks, and bohemians all mashed together in a single location that vaguely resembles entire blocks worth of Hot Topic and record shops. That's the Camden I visited. And it was glorious.

Today has actually been a very busy day. This morning I went on a walking tour of Kensington, visiting the park, several of the famous (and the most expensive!) streets, and even saw T.S. Elliot's home! I even touched the gate of the fence that surrounded the house, making it the closest I've ever been to someone famous (unless Tracy Hickman's killer breakfast or the "tea and talk" with the Indigo Girls count. But even if they's T.S. Elliot's house!).

I think we're about to all watch V for Vendetta. It's going to be a quiet night in, for once. I think everyone is staying in tonight.

Peace, love, understanding and respect, my friends.

I still get carded

So, last night we went to the Imperial university pub, and then caught a bus to Picadilly Circus and spent a couple of hours at the Yates in the West End club. Not my favorite place ever, but it was okay. I don't really like going to clubs to drink, or to "mack" on the "babes," so the only thing left to be interested in there is the music. And Yates had okay music, but it wasn't the kind of club I would have chosen to go to if I weren't with a group. A little more hip-hop than I cared for at that time of night. After ten, happy hardcore and trance are king(s). Maybe a dash of futurepop and industrial.
Also, the DJ wasn't great. His transitions were often really abrupt and he'd apparently never heard of crossfading.
Which wouldn't have been such a problem, but he played "popular" stuff and didn't really make any effort to match tempos or even make sure that the songs even sounded similar. For instance, at one point he cut off some hip-hop song (I can't remember the name of it), and cued up Madonna's "Material Girl". No sense whatsoever.

The drinking age in England is 18, not 21. That means that there's no real reason to have the over/under 21 distinction here like there are at some clubs in the States. However, I still got carded at the door. Apparently I don't even look 18 yet. It's a little frustrating of course, but I also think it's quite amusing. Jailbait? You wish. *laugh*

So, at the pub last night I didn't get anything myself 'cause I didn't want to spend any extra money, but I did try a couple of sips of Wes's snakebite. Far more than any other drink I've ever had, this one was tolerable. I don't know what proportion it's in, but if I remember the mix right, it's part lager, part cider, and a shot of blackcurrent. It was very sweet.

More later!

Friday, September 08, 2006

Mixed results

The Cobbler Experiment is complete, and the results are mixed. The cobbler itself was a success (and rather tasty, IMO), but I used too much butter, so the cake-y part isn't crisp like I'd been aiming for. I still have enough ingredients left over to make another one, though. All I'll have to do is get some more fruit. Maybe peaches this time?

What's it like to be you?

This is one of my favorite webcomics. I especially like this episode because of the absolute ridiculousness of it, and also because the question "what's it like to be you" is really intriguing (although Jeffrey doesn't actually ask him "What's it like to be you?", it directly follows the comic in which he does, and I associate the two in my mind, even if I shouldn't). Also, The Poopmonster's response is both very exciting and frightening to me at the same time. To experience life in a manner that is so incredibly different from the norms of other people is something that boggles my mind (even if this particular one is patently absurd ^_^). In what free time I have between classes, homework, cooking, and exploring, I've been marathon-reading Overcompensating.

Had my last class for the week this morning, and it looks like it's going to be a lovely weekend. It's cooled off a bit since, well, yesterday, and I imagine it won't be getting much w armer now that we're getting into the fall months. What's the weather like back in the States? Tomorrow we're going on a guided walking tour of the Kensington area, a sort of "official" introduction to the place we've been living this past week. I have a suspicion that it will be mostly monuments and historical sites. But that's still really cool.

I'm starting to fall in love with this city. I was walking back to the flat after class today, and I realized just how happy I was to be right here, right now. I'm sure that after a month or two more I may not feel the same, but so far....
It's kind of like when you first get into a relationship with someone, and you get really happy and excited and nervous all at the same time whenever you're with them (yes, I still remember that feeling!), only instead of being a person, it's a place, and since you're always together (seein' as though I'm in the city and all...), not quite as intense. But still.

I read what basically amounted to 6 chapters for class last night, and was up later than I wanted to be doing it. However, I got it done, and most of the info was useful to have in class today (although we didn't direct discuss a lot of it). We also watched a portion of a video called "What The Ancients Did For Us" that detailed some of the scientific and other developments that originated out of the "Muslim World," especially from Abbasid dynasty period.

I have 4 new terms to wiki the history of: Manichaeism, Zoroastrianism (I know, I know, I'm a little behind the times on that one...), assassin (the professor hinted at some things that makes it sound like the real-life history of this term could be VERY interesting indeed), and astrolabe. In addition, I'm adding astrolabe to my "official unofficial list of things I'd like to learn how to build, use, and/or do" which currently includes theremins, steam engines, mixing boards, and dancing, guitar, and Esperanto.
(That's just a sample list of the things I could think of off the top of my head)

I went to the grocery store last night (actually, it was for the second time, because I needed some more ingredients), and I looked for apple sauce but didn't see any! I did see apple slices in syrup, as well as several other types of bottled fruit bits, but I wonder if apple sauce might be one of those foods that we take for granted in the States that is less-than-common in other parts of the world. I hope not. If it is, though, I'll have to find some other sweet food to snack on. It won't do at all to fall into a candy habit while I'm here....

Well, that's about it for now. I'm going to bum around for a bit, and thentry my hand at baking. Wish me luck on my first real cobbler attempt!

Peace, love, understanding and respect, my friends.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Here there are no guns.

No legal guns, at least. In Britain, there are very strong gun control laws, and people can't even posess firearms. Police don't use them either, unless they've had special training and acquired a special permit. In fact, the only organizations to reguarly use guns of any description consist primarily of the armed forces.

Since I've been here, I've never had more French and Indain food. Curry and baguettes are particularly popular, and are even quite cheap...even when you factor in the US/UK exchange rate!

But that still doesn't discount the necessity for grocery shopping. I'm planning a trip to Sainsbury's (which is a little far - almost a 20 minute walk - but clean, high-quality, fairly cheap, and nicely laid-out) tomorrow, so I will hopefully be set for the next week. Or at least until the weekend.

My classes are going well. Today I e-mailed my media professor the Epic 2015 flash video. Ryan recommended it to me more than a year ago, and it still creeps me out a little whenever I watch it. I'm waiting to hear his (the professor's) impressions. It almost makes me want to bepart of the "Fourth Estate," even though I know that path eventually leads to stagnation and death (lets face it, the advent of the internet has irrevocably changed the press. It will not recover, and will likely lose it's footing in the public mind progressively until print news is a prestige symbol and hobby of the elite and "cultured" (also colleges, IMO)). But I digress.

We had another absolutely beautiful day today, with plenty of sun and moderate temperatures in the 20s (Celcius). Tomorrow will be cooler, I've heard. If I can find someone who's not busy, I think I'll do some exploring (I don't want to go out by myself, especially if I'm going to be traveling far). Otherwise I'll probably just explore the neighborhood and chill in Hyde Park.

That's all for now.
Peace, love, understanding and respect, my friends.

edit: So, I didn't realize this until my mom e-mailed me and pointed it out to me, but this post was nominated for "blog of the day." Crazy, huh?

I'm a Blog of the Day!

Monday, September 04, 2006

"-or" must now be "-our"

Colour, flavour, valour, savoury....

...or perhaps I'm just a dourk. ( :

Anyway, I'm here now, and doing fine. I think that I've just about worked off the jet lag, and things are going fine. The weather today is absolutely gorgeous, probably around 75 Farenhiet, with plenty of sun. It's early afternoon for me, so I'm thinking abouut snagging something for lunch and then possibly heading to the park. Or perhaps Camden. From what I've heard of it, Camden is going to be VERY exciting, and I'm really looking forward to getting there soon, but perhaps today isn't the best day. I've got another class at 5 pm, and so that limits me somewhat in how far I can go today.

Classes are interesting, or at least a certainly hope they will be! All classes are three hours long, and meet twice a week (except for one that meets only once a week, but runs all semester long), so the academia is pretty intense in that regard. I saty through British Life and Culture (BLC) this morning, and it was actually pretty fascinating. I've definitely never been that interested on a "going-over-the-syllabus" day in any other class I've ever taken. I have homework in that class, though, the "99 pence challenge." By the next time we meet, I'm to have gone out and bought something for less than a pound that I think represents the United Kingdom (extra points for creativity).

On the topic of money...there's no sales tax in the UK! That certainly helps out my meager finances a great deal, let me tell you. If I'd had to pay an additional percentage on everything I bought (much fo which is more expensive than in the States already on account of an unfavorable exchange rate), I'd be far closer to broke than I already am. It's kind of neat and kind fo confusing to compare the dollar and the pound, though. On the one hand, because of the exchange rate, everything I buy here costs - in pounds - between 185-200% of what it would cost in USD. However, if you were to treat the pound the same way you would treat the dollar, prices are typically better. I saw a cheap bottle of shampoo at the grocery store that sold for only 69p. The cheapest bottle of shampoo I ever remember seeing in the States was still 99c. A 500mL individual bottle of water (which, depending on the brand, I've seen anywhere from 69c to $1.70+ in the States) only cost me 49p. Breakfast cereal (I got store-brand Frosted Flakes) was only 94p.

I can feel my tummy starting to get rumbly, and I want to get outside in this lovely weather anyway, so it's time for me to cut out.

Peace, love, understanding and respect, my friends!

Saturday, September 02, 2006


I'm safely in London now! The weather is lovely (although a little gray), and very soon I hope to eat lunch. It is 1:15 local time. I have been up since 7:00 yesterday, Eastern Daylight Time (that's a 5 hour difference, y'all), so I'm pretty beat. Tonight, I will sleep like a baby, methinks.

Peace, love, understanding and respect, my friends!