Wednesday, October 04, 2006


"Dear Alan,

I am pleased to tell you that FIE has provisionally placed you in an international internship in the Psychology Department at University College London. Your specific tasks and projects will be determined after your site supervisor has met you and assessed your skills, but interns in the past have assisted Dr. Pete Howell in his research project involving the causation of stammering in childhood."

This stands to be the most interesting "job" I've ever had. My interview is on Monday.



Anonymous said...

hope you don't stammer through it

good luck!

Anonymous said...

hey, now i'm really jealous. that sounds like a great internship! i want details when you get back!

Fl0w3r Ch1ld said...

I, too, am very excited about it (and hope I don't stammer!). The interview is only 4 days off now....

Anonymous said...

Congrats, Son!
an internship in your field of study. Way cool!
Pip, pip!

Anonymous said...

university college? university. college. that place is a little redunant, dont you think? they need to pick one; university or college.

Fl0w3r Ch1ld said...

Amber, you and I think so alike, it's scary. We're not related, are we?