Sunday, November 19, 2006


Well, it turns out the District line is closed between Whitecastle and Earl's Court...and I needed to get to Earl's Court so I could transfer to the right train to get to Hammersmith and the Quaker meeting! I'm going to have to miss today...although I feel bad about it 'cause I missed last week, too (last week I stayed up 'til 4 in the morning talking with Aoife, and simply failed to wake up before noon). If I can find my mp3 player, though, I'm going to put a bunch of "sacred" music on it and go for a walk in the park. It's not quite the same, but maybe it'll still count, eh?

I've been thinking a lot about music recently. What it is, how it's ought to be, the themes and messages it should portray, and other things that go along with it. And frankly, the more I think about it the more I begin to think that nonlyrical music may be the best kind of music. You can create a full range of expression without being limited by the construction of spoken language. Of course, there are a lot of lyrical songs that are also really good, but they just seem to be so few and far between. Too often it just seems like the music of a song is just a vehicle to carry the lyrics, which more often than not simply seem to be little more than mediocre poetry.

Sorry, that's all. I promise. ( :


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