Friday, December 01, 2006

Dear Diary

Dear diary,
A funny thing happened on the way to the forum home from work last night. I was on the tube packed into a little corner because the Piccadilly Line is almost always crowded. I wasn't paying much attention to the people around me (except for the young woman sitting down on the other side of the carriage. She reminded me of someone I knew, but I just couldn't remember who!). Then the man standing next to me was acting all fidgety and awkward and was texting something on his phone. I try not to be nosy, but I glanced down just for a moment at his mobile, and he was texting phone sex on the tube! Well, I don't know if that's actually true, but I can't think of too many other scenarios where someone would use phrases like "...been a really bad girl..." and "...with a mouth full of..." (that's all I saw. The posters on the walls of the carriage suddenly got very interesting).

I don't know how I feel about that. On the one hand, I guess people should be allowed to do what they want, as long as it's not hurting any one. On the other hand, though, I want to laugh so hard. Either way, I'm still impressed that his mobile had service so far underground!

Today I am the only research assistant at work (there are normally three of us). Things are pretty quiet right now, so I'm taking a very short break. Today for lunch I ate a Subway sandwich, and it was pretty good and filling, but it didn't have the flavor I wanted. Since I still had a half-hour left for my lunch break (!!!), I decided I would walk around and see what else was around. I stopped at a convenience store and bought a banana and walnut muffin. It was only 59p, and it really hit the spot! Now I feel quite good.

Tonight I will either do laundry or scold myself for not having the motivation to do laundry. I think supper will be pasta, and maybe a scoop of ice cream graham crackers and a chocolate bar if I feel like I've earned it (I usually have).


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmm. Could be that the tube rider's wife was giving a report on their daughter's mischief during the day: she's been a really bad girl today...her teacher caught her with a mouth full of sand from the sandbox.

Oh, be careful little eyes what you see...Oh, be careful little mind what you think!

So, how much longer will London be holding you hostage?